- American Dental Association
211 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611-2678
(312) 440-2500 - American Dental Education Association – CAAPID
(617) 612-2035 - ETS – TOEFL
Educational Testing Service
TOEFL Services
Box 6151
Princeton, New Jersey 08541-6151
(609) 771-7100 - Virginia Board of Dentistry
9960 Mayland Dr, Richmond, VA 23233
(804) 367-4538
Transcript evaluations
- Educational Credential Evaluators
Box 514070
Madison, Wisconsin 53203-3470
(414) 289-3400
Tuition and fees
VCU School of Dentistry Financial Aid
Ka Toya Wagner
Lyons Dental Building
520 N. 12th Street, Room 441
Richmond, Virginia 23298-0566
(804) 828-6374