Student funding
VCU Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Summer Fellowship
This fellowship is open to dental hygiene students. The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) funds a limited number of undergraduate student fellowship awards for projects mentored by VCU faculty. Successful student applicants will receive a cash stipend of $1500.
- Closing date: March 1
- VCU Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Summer Fellowship Application
A.D Williams DDS Student Research Fellowships
This fellowship provides support for dental students to participate in original and creative research. The fellowship allows students to explore their interest in research and appreciate their own responsibilities and opportunities for improving oral health.
- Closing date: June 1 and Nov. 25
- Eligibility and requirements
- A.D. Williams Student Research Fellowship Application
Alexander Fellowships for Residents
In order to encourage original and creative research by residents, the Alexander Fellowship will provide funds for a limited number of outstanding research projects each year.
- Closing date: Jan. 31
- Eligibility, requirements and application
Scientific Development Fellowships (M.S./Ph.D.)
Open to graduate students in the Oral Health Research Ph.D. program in the School of Dentistry and the M.S. Microbiology and Immunology Oral Biology track
The purpose of the award is to support the development of research skills necessary for your thesis/dissertation e.g. travel to lab to learn a technique, take an off-site training course, attend a meeting. To apply applicants must provide an estimate of total costs (travel registration etc.), a short statement as to the relevance of the training to their dissertation/thesis, their resume and a letter of support from their PI. The PI will be expected to contribute a portion of the costs.
Closing Date - Rolling Deadline
Submissions should be emailed to
George W Burke Award (Ph.D. students only)
Open to graduate students in the Oral Health Research Ph.D. program at the School of Dentistry.
The purpose of the award is to provide professional development funding to the student. To apply for this award each student should submit a CV and an essay of no more than 1000 words outlining, how their research contributes to better oral health; their future career plans; how the award can help them advance their future plans. Students must also present at the SoD Research Day as part of their submission.
Closing Date: March 1st
Submissions should be emailed to